If you’re a perceptive, soulful person who’s ready to move beyond your emotional challenges, learn how to manage your feelings, and enjoy a much richer emotional life, then join us for this powerful and transformative self-healing program.

Ahhhh, the possibilities!

  • Imagine yourself in the flow, connected to your deep wisdom and standing confidently in your power at home, work and in all your relationships.

  • You’ve gained a profound awareness of your emotional patterns and are able to reframe them to your benefit and move through triggering episodes with grace and perseverance.

  • You’ve learned how to access your BEST SELF, inviting vulnerability and compassion to be your guides – prioritizing self-care, knowing when to press pause to go within and nourish yourself.

  • You’ve amplified your ability to tap into the flow of your emotions and inner knowing to guide all your decisions.

  • As a teacher, therapist, or wellness practitioner, your effectiveness will be empowered in serving both yourself AND your clients.

This multi-part masterclass course is taught and expertly guided by three leaders in emotional and trauma release. Each will share with you the thoughtfully created, richly resourced, and carefully curated journey designed to help you understand the messages from your emotions. You'll begin to feel that your mind, your body, and your heart are a team always working toward the same goal – your happiness.

Release Yourself from the Wheel of Turbulent Emotions

The Lasting Impact

This potent course harmonizes with your needs, whether there are areas in your life that simply need tending to or there are deeper issues you would like to explore in order to process and release.

The tools and expertise you will come away with will equip you with a way to walk in the world of chaos without becoming a part of it.

Through compassionate teachings and expertly guided practices, you’ll discover how each of the 7 families of difficult emotions can elevate your own personal wellbeing to a new level of competence that is sadly lacking in the world today. 

You'll develop your conscious leadership skills to nurture a deeper understanding and empathy for others. Strengthen your capacity to cultivate authentic connections among colleagues and teams in your daily interactions.

The curated meditations and activities nurture deep self-realizations and profound insights, so you can learn to become you own self-healer releasing past wounds and wholeheartedly embracing self-love.

In experiential practices and mentoring, you’ll gain a profound awareness of your emotional patterns so you can reframe them to your benefit and move through triggering episodes with grace and perseverance. 


Start your journey with our live, real-time classes beginning with the Foundations course, followed by an intimate in-depth exploration of your emotions

• The Foundations of Emotional Liberation •

In this 4-week course you will: Discover the life-changing truth that Emotions Are Your Friends! You'll learn key methods to master your feelings. This fascinating journey starts here.

Module 1: Desire & Fear

In this 8-week course you will: 

Restore Feeling Safe by Using Anxiety and Fear to Find Peace

Learn That Desires Can Be Suppressed, But Emotions Are Unstoppable

Learn How to Harness Your Desires to Fulfill All Your Needs

Module 2: Anger & Trauma Healing

In this 8-week course you will: 

Reclaim Power by Using Anger to Protect and Take Care of Yourself

Learn the Role Emotions Play in Healing Trauma

Recover from Traumas by Using Emotions to Heal

Module 3: Shame & Guilt

In this 8-week course you will: 
Revise the Patterns and Beliefs that Consistently Sabotage Your Life

Rebuild Self-Esteem by Using Shame to Accept and Love Yourself 

Use Guilt to Clear Away Conflicts In Your Life

Module 4: Grief & Depression

In this 8-week course you will: 

Use Grief to Heal Your Heart

Reawaken Hope by Using Depression to Let Go and Move Forward

Embrace the Present as it Stands and Shape a New Future

Meet Your Guides

Becca GM Nirmal

The Magic of Community

The Emotional Liberation program excels in its effectiveness because of a consistent therapeutic group setting that channels the potency of our collective gathering. Rest assured we intend for you to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment with others who share your passion for emotional growth and awakening. 

Each participant’s discovery is an invitation for another’s quantum leap through shared intention, exploration, and the creation of our journey together. You'll be part of a supportive group environment that offers fun and enjoyment as part of the experience with private community support of like-minded people wanting to consciously create a new version of themselves and redefine their relationships. 

“One of the things I most benefited from is the value of bringing strangers together in a space of learning and learning from each other in a really deep way.”

– Ingrid, UT

How Will This Course Change My Life?

Imagine your life free of self-defeating emotions! In doing so, you will:

Cultivate healthy emotional habits and strong boundaries that will supercharge your relationships

Master the Emotional Liberation method to resolve even the most troubling feelings

Develop a life-long set of skills to use in any tough situation

Enhance your ability to bounce back from challenges and cultivate more positive and fulfilling connections

Gain profound insight into how you respond to trauma, anticipate your triggers, and discover your inner strength during turbulent times

Embrace your empathic sensitivity as a special gift learning to establish and maintain healthy energetic boundaries, preventing you from absorbing others' energies

Heal the wounds of earlier trauma and release toxic coping mechanisms

What can I expect?

We've created a masterclass course that offers permanent and enduring healing. In order to support your transformation, we’ll be meeting LIVE twice a week.

How Does the Course Work?

Feeding the mind – On Tuesdays, we meet LIVE for important teachings so your mind will intellectually understand why we are feeling the way we’re feeling and why we grapple with difficult emotions. 

Nourishing the soul – On Thursdays, we’ll also gather LIVE to explore the intuitive – that is, your invisible inner life where all your undying hopes and dreams come from. 
 It is here where difficult emotions tethered to trauma reside. You will be led through specific active and expressive meditations that will give you life-changing ways to understand, navigate, and regulate challenging emotions.

Recordings always available – All live classes are recorded for later viewing whether you missed our time together or want to revisit the experience. 

Course materials are yours to access and go back to again and again for continuing advancement.

What Will I Get?

  • The benefit of being guided by a dynamic trio of mental wellness professionals – each bringing their unique backgrounds and unwavering commitment to helping you achieve your personal development aspirations

  • A community of like-minded individuals fostering a safe and supportive environment for deep sharing, learning, vulnerability, and heightened self-awareness

  • Each week you'll get to join us for two 90-minute sessions, one dedicated to learning and the other dedicated to practice. All sessions recorded with only the instructor being shown

  • A schedule rhythm of 8 weeks on, and four weeks off, allowing ample time for integration between sections

  • Enjoy unlimited coaching sessions at a discounted fee throughout the course

  • Optional psilocybin microdosing guidance and support to enhance these healing modalities

  • Life-long access to course materials

  • A certificate of completion


Register now and receive these gifts:

BONUS: The ground-breaking Senses of the Soul book or e-book is your ready reference for weekly lessons and a reference guide for the tools you need anytime.

BONUS: Private coaching sessions with your professional Emotional Liberation Facilitator are included with each module for coaching, deep sharing, and 1-to-1 support.

BONUS: Additional recorded teachings and practices are available for your continued support toward Emotional Liberation.

BONUS: Full Senses of the Soul audio book gives you the ability to listen on the go or use anytime.

BONUS: Take these pre- and post-course self-assessments to uncover emotional patterns, track personal growth, and appreciate your progress.

BONUS: Stay connected with your classmates and teachers even after class! We've got a dedicated WhatsApp group for that.

What Graduates Are Saying

Who is an ideal candidate for this course?

Schedule of Modules - Take One or All

When you choose the full Masterclass course, you'll be with us for a span of 9 months out of a total of 13. Throughout this period, our group will get 4 one-month breaks in May, August, November, and February 2025.

Tuesday Live Classes and Thursday Live Practice Sessions meet at 12 p.m. EST.  All sessions will be recorded for your convenience.

Change Your Life!
Enroll Now

Partner & Family Discount

We see tremendous synergistic benefits when people do this work with others they are close to. So, when you enroll, your family and shared household members may enroll concurrently at a special 50% discount. Contact Us.

Refund Policy: When you purchase one, any, or all modules of the Masterclass course, no refunds will be issued after 14 days once the course commences. Any partial payments must be paid on a timely basis. If a partial payment is more than 30 days late, the balance becomes due and payable immediately on day 31.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know this will work for me?

    Emotional Liberation is highly effective when you're committed to it! Graduates of the program have reported a "reset" of their entire way of thinking and living. And we'll be with you every step of the way… this is not just another course that leaves you on your own with a series of videos and the occasional webinar. We're committed to your success, and that means an immersive experience giving you the time and the tools to create new habits that liberate you from old self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. Along with attending the twice-weekly class and practice sessions, you'll be encouraged to implement a daily practice. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it. We have first-hand experience seeing the benefits of this work – both with ourselves and with hundreds of students. Check out the testimonials.

  • Is the investment worth it?

    What’s it costing you to live with emotional pain and dysfunction? How is that impacting your relationships when you act out with the people around you? What’s it like to keep re-living past trauma with no tools to deal with it? Emotional Liberation will ultimately save you countless hours of suffering. What’s it worth to set yourself free?

  • What if it doesn’t work? Any guarantees?

    If, for any reason, you’re unhappy with the Emotional Liberation Program, no problem! You have a hassle-free 14-day return option. We want you to be VERY happy with this program. The guarantee begins at the start of the course. Everyone can feel better from working with their emotions. We’ve never had anyone go through the course without self-reporting tremendous personal benefit. Your emotions exist to guide and heal. No matter what your fears or beliefs are coming into this course, you will experience a radical improvement in your relationship with your emotions and a dramatic decrease in the time you spend feeling bad. Working closely with the facilitators in a supportive environment you’ll experience benefits, which many report being more effective than years of therapy. This is not a one-time fix; this is a life-changing personal transformation. You will develop your innate skills of inner guidance, self-healing, and personal power to use for the rest of your life.

  • I’ve done online courses before and never finished them.

    You will be in direct contact with at least one facilitator every week. As your personal guides, we will be in touch in the event that you disappear or start to miss sessions unexpectedly. You won’t be left alone to figure out how to integrate the course materials into your life. The weekly live group coaching calls will keep you on track and give you the opportunity to ask questions. Plus, you’ll also get one-on-one coaching with one of your facilitators.

  • Is this appropriate for Highly Sensitive Persons?

    Sensitivity is truly a gift but can be hard to live with until we understand what emotions are telling us and know how to direct them for our benefit. Empaths and HSP graduates report new found gratitude for their special abilities.

  • How big is the group?

    This is deep work, and we will create safety and intimacy. We understand that some of our students might grapple with social anxiety and are uncomfortable with being seen in a Zoom community. Rest assured, we take this matter seriously; your well-being is important. Please feel free to turn your camera off if you ever feel the need to do so. Our group understands and accepts everyone's preferences and needs; your comfort is our top priority. So, whether you want to participate with your camera on or off, you are always welcome, and we appreciate your presence. "One of the things I most benefited from is the value of bringing strangers together in a space of learning and learning from each other deeply.” – Ingrid, Utah

  • How much time will it take?

    As adult learners, we each do it our way with the time we have available. This supportive structure will keep you engaged and growing: • Two 90-minute weekly Zoom sessions, one group coaching call, and one practice call. • Suggested daily meditations of 11-31 minutes • One hour long private coaching session with your coach per 8-week module.

  • What if I can’t make all of the sessions?

    All the sessions are recorded so if you need to miss a session you can catch-up by watching and practicing with the recordings. However, we find students enjoy experiencing these practices together, which we will be doing every Thursday.

  • Is this program trauma-informed? What if I don’t want to share my past with a group of strangers?

    We believe and have been told by past participants that one of the most valuable aspects of this group is the opportunity to learn from each other. While sharing is not required it enriches the learning experience – allowing for mutual growth and insight that enhances the overall journey. So, while it's not mandatory, we encourage and welcome sharing as it adds depth and richness to our collective experience. As you progress through the course, you'll likely notice a transformation within the group dynamics. It will begin to feel like a close-knit community where sharing becomes supportive and deeply fulfilling. We believe in the power of this shared experience to help you on your path toward healing and personal growth. Your journey with us is about more than just learning; it's about connecting and healing together. Our team of three facilitators brings to you a combined experience of 90 years in the mental wellness field. We specialize in the delicate art of guiding individuals through traumatic experiences and offering the necessary support to navigate them.

  • Why does this program extend over such a lengthy period?

    Often, we've carried the weight of trauma for not just years but sometimes decades. We understand that such deep-rooted trauma can't be fully addressed in a mere eight-week course. That's why we've crafted a more extensive, immersive experience that provides students ample time to cultivate the essential skills required to condition and strengthen their nervous system. Creating a sense of safety within oneself and the ability to surf the wave of uncertainty is a journey that demands practice and sustained support, which is why we've designed a longer study duration.

  • I’ve never done microdosing, but I am curious - what can I expect?

    Many former students report that their Emotional Liberation experience is “enhanced” by microdosing psilocybin, opening them more deeply to the introspection and resulting insights brought about by our work together. You can be confident that if you choose to explore this option, you will be fully supported and guided every step of the way, whether you're a complete newcomer or have some familiarity with this plant medicine. “With this emotional work, the psilocybin microdosing helps me visualize effortlessly and connect with everything. I go straight to the heart of being in touch with my emotions – it’s effortless and helps me see my true essence that’s hiding under all the armor and bring it forward.” – Betsy W. Connecticut

  • Are there discounts or payment plans available?

    We offer an early bird discounted rate. There is also a multiple-course discount when you purchase two or more modules and an even bigger discount if you purchase the entire course upfront. We also offer a payment plan of 8 installments. Additionally, we see tremendous benefits when people do this work with others they are close to. So when you enroll your family and shared household members they will get a special 50% discount.

Not sure if this is right for you?
Book a call with an Emotional Liberation Guide

More Graduate Success Stories

Meet Your Facilitators

Becca Williams

Senior Facilitator

As a seasoned Emotional Liberation teacher, my life’s purpose is to teach you how to release self-defeating emotions and pain so you can effectively and gracefully handle any personal or interpersonal situation. Through this profound work – you are able to consciously create a new version of yourself that redefines your personal and professional relationships and most importantly the relationship with yourself. I've been a group facilitator, speaker, and mentor for personal and collective transformation and purpose-driven leadership for more than two decades. Trained also as a clinical nutritionist, I have been researching and experientially working with microdosing plant medicines to advance health and higher states of consciousness. During this program, I will be available to help coach those who have an interest in pairing this impactful emotions work with the benefits of psilocybin microdosing.

GuruMeher Khalsa

Senior Facilitator & Course Creator

I am a Certified Yoga Therapist and Professional Life Coach and have been teaching and counseling for forty years. My quest for personal healing and clinical experience with clients led to a discovery of the key role of emotions as a natural system of psychological self-healing. Emotional Liberation joins my first book, Senses of the Soul: Emotional Therapy for Strength, Healing and Guidance in providing a simple and effective method to use difficult feelings as tools for personal growth. I continue to teach and coach emotional skills and self-healing with clients and groups as well as training therapists and healing professionals to add this work to their practices.

Nirmal Conforti

Senior Facilitator

Fostering emotional intelligence is vital to healthy relationships. As a Licensed Therapist and Emotions Coach, I help people gain clarity about unresolved past experiences through the conscious and subconscious emotions connected to them. My 25 years of experience includes a Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania, extensive training in the facilitation of rebirthing breath-work, and relationship coaching. In my private practice, I work with individuals, couples, and groups to identify and clear difficult situations, beliefs, and emotions from the past that interfere with having the type of connections that we all need to be happy. I use the Emotional Liberation techniques for the powerful awareness, growth, healing, and general positive therapeutic outcomes they bring. Join me in discovering the emotional and spiritual maturity that comes from this rewarding work. Because life is relationship, and once you learn how to embrace your own emotions for wisdom and guidance, it becomes truly fulfilling.

Emotional Liberation Success Stories

“Learning how to make my difficult emotions work for me is fascinating and extremely helpful. I don’t think I would’ve been able to stay at my current job without the knowledge and tools I’ve gained from this Emotional Expansion approach!”

– Chris H, California

“It has always been painful to be so sensitive and empathic. If someone else was sad or suffering, I was worse. In the group calls, I found I wasn’t alone. Then, understanding the value and purpose of each emotion, along with the weekly practices that rebuilt my broken energetic boundaries… I can safely enjoy my gifts of feeling.”

– Stephanie L, Quebec

“I will never be the same now that my emotions and I are on the same side. The shame module especially helped me feel compassion for myself and connect deeply with the real me for what feels like the first time. That warmth has grown my confidence and has re-ignited my passions.”

– Dan E, Los Angeles

“This ‘deep dive’ work is truly industrial strength healing! While it’s not always pretty or pleasant to witness the emotions that have troubled me, learning to become my own witness is essential. See them and feel them. Let them come up, walk toward them, through them. Grow!”

– Laura C, Ireland

“Just months ago, I was resentful of my husband and depressed about my marriage. Now, I take the lead, challenge him when I need to, and let go of what I cannot change. I’m more giving and supportive of him as a result. HE says my power inspires him.”

– June M, Florida

“My problem was I would ruminate obsessively over people that hurt me. I have become empowered by the lessons of earlier mistreatment and am at peace with my past. ”

– Adi L, New York

“I am grateful to have been doing this work during the loss of my beloved father. Learning to allow my sadness safely and knowing it reflects my love, helped me embrace his beauty in my life now and think of him with joy.”

– Richard N, Toronto

“I’m a big giver, always helping. I became increasingly mistreated and miserable until this course shined a light on my shame-based pleasing to avoid conflict. No more! The switch is checking how I feel and what I want and being able to ask for it. I can finally ake care of me!”

– Anna R, Alaska

Optional Microdosing Instruction and Support

As a clinician and emotional wellness practitioner, our senior facilitator, Becca, has found that the judicious use of psilocybin microdosing can support and amplify the healing process. So if you choose this option (at an additional cost) instruction and guidance are included. If you opt-in, she will teach you how to explore the practice of microdosing psilocybin to enhance your inner healing journey and promote an elevated state of well-being.

“With this emotional work, the psilocybin microdosing helps me visualize effortlessly and connect with everything. I go straight to the heart of being in touch with my emotions – it’s effortless and helps me see my true essence that’s hiding under all the armor and bring it forward.”

– Betsy W. Connecticut

Contact Becca for details and registration. 

The Journey Begins!

This is a once-a-year journey of healing and empowerment. If not now, when?

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

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Have a look at the Foundations class curriculum

Get ready for a richly curated experience

  • 1

    Welcome to the course! Complete the Orientation Here

    • 1 - Welcome to the Emotional Liberation Course

    • 2 - Course Platform Orientation

  • 2

    Zoom Meetings Information

    • Zoom Information for Live Classes: Foundations, Desire, and Grief

    • Zoom Information for Live Classes: Fear, Trauma Healing, Guilt

    • Zoom Information for Live Classes: Anger, Shame, Depression

  • 3

    Additional Resourses

    • Highly Sensitive People

    • Insecure Attachment Theory Article

    • Emotional Maturity elements

  • 4

    Foundations Module Audiobook. Chapters 1, 2, 3

    • 06 - Chapter 1 THE END OF EMOTIONAL SUFFERING_ A New Understanding of Your Emotions

    • 07 - Listening_ A Problem and the Cure

    • 08 - Emotions_ Misunderstood Friends, with Benefits

    • 09 - Happiness Is Your Natural State

    • 10 - Exercise 1 - _A New Relationship to Your Feelings_ with _Long Deep Breathing_

    • 11 - You Have Control

    • 12 - Yogi Bhajan

    • 13 - Emotional Liberation_ A Very Practical Goal

    • 14 - Emotions_ Why You Have Them, Why You Need Them

    • 16 - Sensory System Groundwork

    • 17 - Purpose of Emotions

    • 18 - Emotions Revisited_ The Hurt in Order to Help

    • 19 - Emotions Don't Feel Good

    • 20 - Dinosuar or Adapter_ Which Will You Be_

    • 21 - Exercise 3 - _The Development of Your Sensory System_ A Guided Journey_

    • 22 - Capture Your Gains for Exercise 3

    • 23 - Emotions Serve the Challenges of Our Times

    • 24 - Access to a Higher Self_ The Sensory Self

    • 25 - Greater Sensitivity Is the Problem and the Solution

    • 26 - Faster Learning

    • 15 - Exercise 2 - _Your Sensory System_ Feeling for Information_

    • 27 - Desperately Seeking Stimulation

    • 28 - Senses of the Soul

    • 29 - Exercise 4 - _Increase Peace_ with _Emotional Balance Breath_

    • 30 - Emotions are your friends...

    • 31 - Chapter 1 Self-Study_ Establish a New Relationship with Emotions

    • 32 - Chapter 1 Ideas to Use_ New Truths to Remember about Emotions

    • 33 - Chapter 2 GETTING EMOTIONS TO WORK FOR YOU_ Use Your Feelings as the Senses of the Soul

    • 34 - Feelings_ Devilish or Divine_

    • 35 - Misuses of Emotion_ Reaction and Repression

    • 36 - Emotional Reaction

    • 37 - Emotional Repression

    • 38 - My Dad's Difficulty Dealing With Feelings

    • 39 - You Are Not Alone_ Emotional Pain By the Numbers

    • 40 - Can't Stop the Feeling

    • 41 - Emotions as Allies

    • 42 - How to Use Your Feelings

    • 43 - Mary's Meditation

    • 44 - The Same Clear State That Meditation Offers Us

    • 45 - Emotional Map

    • 46 - Mind's Proper Place

    • 47 - Exercise 5 - _Emotion as Intuition_ with _See Clearly_ and _The SOS Method_

    • 48 - Capture Your Gains for Exercise 5

    • 49 - The Shortened SOS Method

    • 51 - Reorientation

    • 52 - Energy Management

    • 53 - The Four Roles Emotions Play

    • 50 - How Tracie Used the SOS Method with Her Anger

    • 54 - Emotions Are Right Even When They Are Wrong

    • 55 - The Reward_ Feeling Good Is Your Base

    • 56 - Chapter 2 Self Study_ Build Rapport with Your Emotions

    • 57 - Chapter 2 Ideas to Use_ Principles of Emotional Liberation

    • 58 - Emotions Compared_ The Seven Heavy Heroes and Their Gifts

    • 59 - Chapter 3 MEET YOUR EMOTIONS_ Introducing the Seven Heavy Heroes

    • 60 - The Seven Heavy Heroes

    • 61 - Emotions Reflect and Expand Your Consciousness

    • 62 - Exercise 6 - _A Guided Tour of the Seven Emotions and Pride_ with _Listen Within_

    • 63 - Capture Your Gains for Exercise 6

    • 64 - Ramanahs Strength of Feelings

    • 65 - The Higher Emotions_ What About the Good Stuff

    • 66 - Work This Book

    • 67 - The Purpose of the Seven Heavy Heroes

    • 68 - Chapter 3 Self-Study and Life Project

  • 5

    Foundations for Emotional Liberation Class 1

    • Foundations Class 1 - A New Understanding: Emotions Are Your Friends

    • Class 1 Study Guide - Download and submit

    • View Meditation Instructions: New Relationship to Feelings

    • Audio Guided Meditation: New Relationship to Feelings

    • View Meditation Instructions: Your Sensory System - Feeling for Information

    • Audio Guided Meditation: Your Sensory System - Feeling for Information

  • 6

    Foundations for Emotional Liberation Class 2

    • Foundations Class 2 - Your Sensory System: Faster Learning, Less Suffering

    • Class 2 Study Guide - Download and submit

    • Meditation Instructions: The Development of Your Sensory System: A Guided Journey

    • Audio Guided Meditation: The Development of Your Sensory System: A Guided Journey

    • View Meditation Instructions: Increase Peace

    • Audio Guided Meditation: Increase Peace with Emotional Balance Breath

  • 7

    Foundations for Emotional Liberation Class 3

    • Foundations Class 3 - How to Use Emotions as Intuition: The SOS Method

    • Class 3 Study Guide - Download and submit

    • View Meditation Instructions: Emotion as Intuition - Seeing Clearly

    • Audio Guided Meditation: Emotion as Intuition - Seeing Clearly

  • 8

    Foundations for Emotional Liberation Class 4

    • Foundations Class 4 - Meet Your Emotional Allies: 7 Heavy Heroes

    • Class 4 Study Guide - Download and submit

    • Emotional Intelligence Guide

    • View Meditation Instructions: A Guided Tour of the Seven Emotions and Pride

    • Audio Guided Meditation: Emotion as Intuition - A Guided Tour of the Seven Emotions and Pride